Ups & Downs

I tried. You know I tried. I mean, look at the archive! I’ve got a whole bunch of seasonally-inspired normal blogs going all the way back to… Ok, just five posts only going back to Lammas. I couldn’t even keep up the normal blog thing for a year. Normal, like, “Hello, folks! Here’s what I’m … Read more Ups & Downs

A Convo with Ms. B

Brighde came storming in today.  Knocked down two trees in Napa just to prove a point. I was all, what are you on about? You were champing at the bit to get here.  Sent a robin to announce your arrival while we were still doing the Midwinter thing, fer feck’s sake. You’ve already covered the … Read more A Convo with Ms. B

In the Bleak Midwinter

Winter is far from bleak in my personal little world.  I’m feeling pretty perky physically and mentally, I have a couple of nifty, low-stress projects percolating, and I’ve got plenty of time to indulge in idle and guilty pleasures. What’s more, the weather has been marvelously cold and wet, a throwback to the pre-climate-disaster olden … Read more In the Bleak Midwinter

Summer’s End

If these seasonal posts prove anything, it’s that I have a penchant for poetry. For others’ poetry, I’m saying.  Oh, I’ve dabbled in the art.  Even written a scant handful of poems I like, and a couple I’m actually proud of. But I’m a blatherer.  When I write, it’s at length.  I pack my sentences … Read more Summer’s End

Autumn Leaves #3

Mostly I come up with my own titles.  Today, I’m just jumping on the bandwagon. Autumn Leaves the Elder (first to penetrate my consciousness) is the latest post from unironedman, a blog you should absolutely be reading. If you’re not yet subscribed, that italicized bit is a link, so go do yourself a favor.  In … Read more Autumn Leaves #3